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All events at a glance...

... and the highlights in 2025 to come!

All events that take place at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein are included in our calendar – due to the large number of offers, however, the calendar is only available in German. This is why we are presenting the highlights of our 2025 programme here.

More information can be found in our calendar (German only).

Ruhr Museum

The regional museum of the Ruhr area

The Ruhr Museum, which opened at the start of the Capital of Culture year RUHR.2010, is the regional museum of the Ruhr area. It is located in the former coal washing plant of the Zollverein Coal Mine, Shaft XII in Essen. As a regional museum, it presents the entire natural and cultural history of the Ruhr region in its permanent exhibition. It does not see itself as a classic industrial museum, but as a memory and showcase of the Ruhr Metropolis.

The Ruhr Museum has extensive natural history, archaeological, historical and photographic collections, which are constantly being added to and thematically expanded. In addition to the permanent exhibition on the nature, culture and history of the Ruhr region, the Ruhr Museum regularly shows temporary exhibitions, also on topics that have no connection to the Ruhr region.

Red Dot Design Museum

The fascinating world of design

From robots, coffee machines and furniture to a gyrocopter hanging from the ceiling: over five floors and a good 4,000 square meters, the museum exclusively presents products that have been awarded by an international jury of experts in one of the world’s largest design competitions – the Red Dot Design Award. Thematic special exhibitions complement the inspiring insight into the world of design.

PACT Zollverein

Performing Arts. Choreographisches Zentrum NRW. Tanzlandschaft Ruhr

Founded in 2002 and at home in the former pithead bath at Shaft 1/2/8, PACT Zollverein sees itself as an initiator, driving force, and stage for ground-breaking developments in the fields of dance, performance, theatre, media, and visual arts.

Three programmatic lines characterise the work of the institution, which contributes on a regional, national, and international level to the localisation and appreciation of dance and performance as art forms in their own right: PACT Zollverein creates a space for concentrated production processes within the framework of the ‚Residenzprogramm,‘ which is open to artists from all over the world. The ‚Plattformen‘ section initiates the interdisciplinary exchange between artists, scientists, and students as well as the critical questioning of their methods and results. A third focus is on a top-class stage programme comprising world premieres, co-productions, and guest performances.


until 16 March 2025

Tania Reinicke has a broad spectrum of photographic themes and design forms in which she artistically realizes her ideas. The work „Lichtung“, created in the Corona years 2020 / 2021, shows details from woodlands, mainly in the immediate vicinity of her home in Gelsenkirchen.

The exhibition is part of the series „Aktuelle Fotografie im Ruhrgebiet. Pixelprojekt auf Zollverein“. The joint exhibition series organised by the Zollverein Foundation and Pixelprojekt_Ruhrgebiet focuses on contemporary positions and Ruhr area themes in the broadest sense. The works are selected by a jury made up of representatives from the Museum Folkwang, the Folkwang University of the Arts, the Ruhr Museum and the Krupp Historical Archive.


21 to 23 March 2025

In addition to the main themes of light and video art, installation and photography, the spring edition of C.A.R. is dedicated to visionary art projects from the fields of 3D printing, virtual reality art, animation and net art, among others.

In just a few years, contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.) and the two annual fairs held at the Zollverein World Heritage Site – PHOTO/MEDIA ART FAIR in the spring and INNOVATIVE ART FAIR for all areas of contemporary art in the fall – have become a successful fair for contemporary art with national and international appeal.

Roller skating rink

12 to 27 April 2025

During the NRW Easter vacations in 2025 the former central workshop of the Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex will once again be transformed into the large, glittering Zollverein roller skating rink. On over 600 square meters in the midst of the unique industrial architecture of today’s Hall 5, everyone from inexperienced beginners to advanced skaters to full professionals can get rolling. In addition to the daily skating times, there are special offers on some evenings, such as the SkateJam workshops or the SkateJam roller disco.


24 and 25 May 2025

The SchmuckProdukt workshop and gallery has been organising the „Handverlesen“ designer market twice a year since 2004. The cooperative of various designers offers high-quality, innovative products suitable for everyday use from the fields of product design, jewellery design, painting, ceramics, fashion and much more in an appealing atmosphere. Catering is also provided during the designer market. Visitors are cordially invited to stroll around the market, take a look at the exhibits and make a purchase.


28 June 2025

200,000 visitors, 50 venues, 24 cities, one night: ExtraSchicht, the Night of Industrial Heritage, has been staging the Ruhr Metropolis since 2001. The cultural festival was conceived in 2001 with the idea of making the region’s industrial heritage visible and specifically networking it with each other.

The public can expect a varied program with guided tours, exhibitions, stage programs, walking acts and performances as well as art installations and hands-on activities against the unique backdrop of Zollverein.

Works Swimming Pool

12 July to 26 August 2025

Bathing pleasure in a work of art: During the summer holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia, visitors to Zollverein can cool off, sunbathe, and relax in the Works Swimming Pool every day from noon to 8 p.m. Situated in a place full of contrasts in front of the coke oven battery, the 12×5-metre pool is one of the most exciting bathing locations in Germany. Where coal used to be baked into coke, two welded together overseas containers are now the summer meeting place in the North of Essen. The visit to the swimming pool is free of charge. The 2.40-metre deep pool is only suitable for swimmers, a pool supervisor is on site.

The Frankfurt-based artists Dirk Paschke and Daniel Milohnic created the Works Swimming Pool in 2001 as part of the „Contemporary Art and Criticism“ art project. Since then, the blue pool, framed by impressive industrial architecture, has stood symbolically for the structural change in the Ruhr Area.


21 August to 21 September 2025

From 21 August to 21 September 2025 the Ruhrtriennale will once again invite national and international artists to perform in the former industrial halls, engine houses, coking plants and slag heaps of the Ruhr metropolis in Bochum, Duisburg, Essen and Gladbeck. The renowned festival of the arts will also be back at Zollverein.

World Heritage Run

13 September 2025

As in previous years, the motto of the Zollverein World Heritage Run is: Taking part is all that counts! All races lead along the impressive architecture of the industrial monument: along the Circular Walk, past the Twin Pithead Frame, the SANAA Building, across the Zollverein Spoil Tip, and the former Shaft 1/2/8. Start and finish are located on the premises of RAG Montan Immobilien GmbH at the Zollverein Coking Plant. The International Competition Rules of the German Athletics Federation (DLV) and the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) apply.


27 and 28 September 2025

On 27 and 28 September 2025, the advertising associations of District VI – Zollverein, in cooperation with Zollverein Foundation are inviting to the Zechenfest at the World Heritage Site. More than 50 events on several stages ensure excellent entertainment.

The organizers again expect well over 30,000 visitors to Zollverein Shaft XII. Where fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers once worked hard, a weekend is spent celebrating, dancing, and laughing. With a lot of creativity and in good cooperation, the three advertising associations from Katernberg, Schonnebeck, and Stoppenberg, together with Zollverein Foundation, are putting together a varied programme in keeping with the motto „Tradition with a future“.

Mouse day

3 October 2025

For children and the whole family, Zollverein Foundation and the Ruhr Museum offer many exciting hands-on activities on the „Türöffnertag“ (Door opener day) of the „Sendung mit der Maus“ (TV series for children called Mouse TV outside of Germany). For an entire day, a free, varied programme awaits all fans of the Mouse aged five and over at the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site.


7 to 12 October 2025

With numerous literary events, the ninth lit.RUHR brings renowned German and international artists to the Ruhr region. Many events from the varied program for literature fans of all ages will once again take place in the impressive halls at the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site.


24 to 26 October 2025

A fixed date for the international, national, and regional art scene is the autumn fair of contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.): innovative galleries for contemporary art, institutions, art projects, and selected talents participate year after year. At the same time, special exhibitions, the C.A.R. Video Lounge, and a supporting programme featuring performances and workshops take place.

Ice Rink

6 December 2025 to 4 January 2026

Unique ice rink amidst spectacular industrial architecture: ice skating fans can once again look forward to the wonderful Zollverein ice rink against the impressive industrial backdrop of the Zollverein coking plant in winter 2025/2026.

The ice rink stretches 150 metres along the imposing coke ovens and chimneys of the Zollverein coking plant. In the evening, an installation bathes it in atmospheric light and cosy stands offer refreshments with hot drinks and snacks.