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Besuch planen
Eine futuristisch gestaltete Rolltreppe mit leuchtend orangefarbenen Seitenwänden führt durch einen langen, überdachten Gang mit schwarzen Metallstreben und Glasfenstern. Die Seitenwände sind von einem gezackten Lichtmuster durchzogen, das der Szene eine dynamische Wirkung verleiht. Die Glasflächen reflektieren die Struktur und das Licht, was den Raum noch größer wirken lässt. Mehrere Personen nutzen die Treppe, einige steigen herab, während andere langsam hinaufgehen oder sich an den Handläufen festhalten. Die Atmosphäre wirkt modern und leicht surreal, mit einem starken Kontrast zwischen dem dunklen Gerüst und der intensiven Beleuchtung. Besuch planen
Eine Gruppe von Besuchern steht auf einem schmalen, erhöhten Metallsteg mit Geländer vor einer beeindruckenden, rostigen Industrieanlage. Die massive Wandstruktur besteht aus zahlreichen hohen, dunklen Kammern mit schweren Metalltüren und dicken, vertikalen Verstrebungen. Oberhalb der Anlage verlaufen metallene Rohrleitungen mit sichtbaren Rostspuren, von denen ein großes, rostfarbenes Rohr schräg in die Mitte des Bildes ragt. Darüber befindet sich ein Geländer mit Laufwegen und Plattformen. Die Anlage ist die stillgelegte Kokerei Zollverein, die nun als Industriedenkmal besichtigt werden kann. Die rostige, metallische Oberfläche der Konstruktion kontrastiert mit dem strahlend blauen Himmel mit weißen Wolken im Hintergrund. Die Besucher, einige in farbenfroher Kleidung, betrachten interessiert die monumentale Anlage. Erleben
Ein beeindruckendes Feuerwerk erleuchtet den Nachthimmel über der Zeche Zollverein. Mehrere große, bunte Feuerwerkskörper explodieren in leuchtenden Farben. Im Vordergrund ist das ikonische Fördergerüst der Zeche Zollverein zu sehen, das von warmem Licht angestrahlt wird. Die umliegenden Backsteingebäude mit ihren großen Fenstern unterstützen das farbenfrohe Lichtspektakel. Unten rechts sind viele Menschen auf dem Veranstaltungsgelände zu erkennen, die das Feuerwerk genießen. Die Szene verbindet Industriekultur mit festlicher Stimmung. Eventlocations
Über Zollverein
Nahaufnahme des markanten Doppelbock-Fördergerüsts der Zeche Zollverein aus einer niedrigen Perspektive. Der Blickwinkel betont die Höhe und imposante Stahlkonstruktion des ehemaligen Bergwerks. Im Vordergrund ragt eine Ziegelsteinfassade mit roten Stahlstreben und großen Fenstern empor, die den architektonischen Stil der Industrieanlage unterstreicht. Der strahlend blaue Himmel bildet einen starken Kontrast zum dunklen Backstein und der rostrot schimmernden Stahlstruktur. Über Zollverein
Eine futuristisch gestaltete Rolltreppe mit leuchtend orangefarbenen Seitenwänden führt durch einen langen, überdachten Gang mit schwarzen Metallstreben und Glasfenstern. Die Seitenwände sind von einem gezackten Lichtmuster durchzogen, das der Szene eine dynamische Wirkung verleiht. Die Glasflächen reflektieren die Struktur und das Licht, was den Raum noch größer wirken lässt. Mehrere Personen nutzen die Treppe, einige steigen herab, während andere langsam hinaufgehen oder sich an den Handläufen festhalten. Die Atmosphäre wirkt modern und leicht surreal, mit einem starken Kontrast zwischen dem dunklen Gerüst und der intensiven Beleuchtung. scroll

Plan your visit to Zollverein

Directions and parking, opening hours, and prices

Opening hours

Opening hours of the most important services

The Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site is open to the public at all times. The former Shaft Facilities XII, 1/2/8, and the Zollverein Coking Plant are part of the World Heritage Site.

Ruhr.Visitorcenter Essen
daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
closed on 24., 25. and 31.12.

Coking Plant Info Point
Mon–Fri 11 a.m.–3 p.m.
Sat, Sun and on holidays 10.30 a.m.–3.30 p.m.
closed on 24., 25. and 31.12.
Mon–Fri 11 a.m.–3 p.m.
Sat, Sun and on holidays 10.30 a.m.–5 p.m.

Zollverein Guided Tours
English Language:
Sat, Sun, regional holidays and bridging days 12.30 p.m.
Dutch (Nederlands) Language:
November–March: every 3rd. Sun 11.30 a.m.
April–October: Sun 11.30 a.m.
MonFr German Language only

Red Dot Design Museum
Tue–Sun and on holidays 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
closed on 24., 25. and 31.12. as well as on 01.01.

Ruhr Museum
daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
closed on 24., 25. and 31.12.

Phänomania Erfahrungsfeld
Sat, Sun and on holidays 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
closed on 24., 25., 26. and 31.12. as well as on 01.01.


Plenty of Zollverein for your money

The Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site is accessible free of charge at any time. The former Shaft Facilities XII, 1/2/8, and the Zollverein Coking Plant are part of the World Heritage Site.

Red Dot Design Museum
Single ticket full price / reduced 10 € / 5 €
Children up to the age of 12 are free
Fri at one’s one discretion [Pay-What-You-Want]

Ruhr Museum
Permanent exhibition and Portal of Industrial Heritage
Single ticket / reduced 10 € / 7 €
Group of 10 people or more (p.p.) 8 €
Children / adolescents up to the age of 17 and students up to the age of 24 are free
Gallery exhibitions
Single ticket full price / reduced 5 € / 4 €
Group of 10 people or more (p.p.) 8 €
Children / adolescents up to the age of 17 and students up to the age of 24 are free
Special exhibition 
Single ticket full price / reduced 10 € / 7 €
Group of 10 people or more (p.p.) 8 €
Children / adolescents up to the age of 17 and students up to the age of 24 are free
Ruhr Museum complete with permanent, special and gallery exhibitions and the portal of industrial heritage
Single ticket full price / reduced 15 € / 11 €
Group of 10 people or more (p.p.) 12 €
Children / adolescents up to the age of 17 and students up to the age of 24 are free

Phänomania Erfahrungsfeld
Single ticket full price / reduced 15 €
Children between 3 and 17 12 €

Zollverein Guided Tours
Various guided tours full price / reduced from 11 € / 8 €

Zollverein Round Trips
Single ticket full price / reduced 15 € / 12 €
Group price from 245 €

UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein E-Bus Line
Single ticket full price 5 €
Children (4–14 years) 3 €
Family ticket (2 adults + own children) 12 € resp. 13 €

Zollverein Ice Rink
Day tickets:
Single ticket full price 10 €
Children (up to the age of 14), pupils, students, apprentices 8 €
Family ticket (2 adults and up to 3 children) 23 €
Evening tickets (from two hours before closing time):
Adults 6 €
Children (up to the age of 14), pupils, students, apprentices 4 €
Family ticket (2 adults and up to 3 children) 15 €
Adults 75 €
Children (up to the age of 14), pupils, students, apprentices 50 €
Ice skates rental fee:
per pair 5 €

ARKA Kulturwerkstatt
Admission free (exhibitions)

Kunsthalle | Atelier Burkamp
Admission free (exhibitions)

Admission free

Portal of Industrial Heritage
Included in the entrance fee for the Ruhr Museum

Ruhr.Visitorcenter Essen
Admission free

The Palace of Projects
Single ticket full price / reduced 4 € / 3 €
Children up to the age of 11 are free

Works Swimming Pool
Admission free

Das Besucherzentrum Ruhr auf Zollverein: Im Mittelpunkt steht ein moderner Informationsschalter mit rot-weißer Theke, an dem eine Mitarbeiterin Besucher beratet. Eine Glaswand mit der Aufschrift Welcome in mehreren Sprachen, darunter Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch und Chinesisch, schirmt den Schalter etwas von der restlichen Halle ab. Im Hintergrund sind die industrielle Architektur des ehemaligen Bergwerks und weitere Informationsbereiche erkennbar.

Ruhr.Visitorcenter Essen

More information

Welcome to the Ruhr Metropolis!

The first place to go for all visitors to the Zollverein World Heritage Site and the starting point for many guided tours is the Ruhr.Visitorcenter Essen in the former Coal Washery.

There you can buy tickets for the Ruhr Museum and the guided tours of the Zollverein Monument Path, for Zollverein concerts and other events. Tourist information about the entire Ruhr Metropolis is also available here. The team of the Ruhr.Visitorcenter Essen will be happy to advise you.

Opening hours
Daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Closed on 24., 25., and 31.12.

Ruhr.Visitorcenter Essen
Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
Area A [Shaft XII], Coal Washery [A14]
Gelsenkirchener Str. 181
45309 Essen

Phone +49 0201 246810
Fax +49 201 24681-133

Eine gelbe Straßenbahn der Linie 107 hält an der Haltestelle Zollverein in Essen. Die Haltestelle ist mit einer markanten, rot-schwarz gestreiften Überdachung versehen, auf der in großen weißen Buchstaben Zollverein steht. Im Hintergrund ragt das berühmte Fördergerüst der Zeche Zollverein über die umliegenden Häuser hinaus. Drei Frauen stehen auf dem Bahnsteig und unterhalten sich. Die Szene zeigt die Verbindung zwischen dem UNESCO-Welterbe Zollverein und dem öffentlichen Nahverkehr der Stadt Essen.

Directions & Parking

More information

How to find us

With an area of 100 hectares, the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein offers a place for a variety of experiences. The site can be reached by car, coach, and public transport. There may be restrictions in the case of major events. The following information will help you find your way around and orientate yourself on the extensive grounds.

Visiting address
UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein, Gelsenkirchener Str. 181, 45309 Essen

By car
To visit the Zollverein Coal Mine, enter „Fritz-Schupp-Allee“ into your navigation system. If you would like to visit the Zollverein Coking Plant, please select „Arendahls Wiese“ in your navigation system.

Free car parking is available at the Coal Mine (car parks A1, A2 and B2) and the Coking PLant (car park C and Zollverein parking deck).

The Zollverein parking deck in Area C [Coking Plant, Im Welterbe 11] is subject to a parking fee. Costs: 1.80 €/hour, day ticket 7.50 €. Please note: cash payment is not possible; at present, payment can only be made with EC card. There are also 4 charging points (22kW-fast chargers) for electric vehicles.

Bus bays for coaches are available on Fritz-Schupp-Allee. Free parking is available at car park C (Coking Plant).

By public transport
You can reach the site by public transport via the stops „Zollverein“ (tram line 107, also „Kulturlinie“) and „Zollverein-Nord“ (tram line 107, also „Kulturlinie“, bus line 170, bus line 183, or suburban train line 2).

Bus bays for coaches are available on Fritz-Schupp-Allee. Free parking is available on car park C. (Coking Plant).

The nearest parking areas for motorhomes are located at Revierpark Nienhausen, Gelsenkirchen. From there, the Zollverein World Heritage Site can be reached by tram line 107 (approx. 10 minutes), by bicycle (approx. 15 minutes), or on foot (approx. 30 minutes).

Site Map
The site is divided into two areas: the Coal Mine and the Coking Plant. The first points of contact for visitors are the Info Points at the entrances to the Ehrenhof and the Werner-Müller-Place, at the Ruhr.Visitorcenter Essen in the Coal Washery, at car park A2 as well as in front of the Mixing Plant at the Coking Plant.

Zollverein as a travel destination

Always worth a visit

More information

Compressed experiences for those thirsty for adventure

No matter whether you would like to explore Zollverein for yourself, with family and friends, whether you plan a business trip for your company, or you are active in the tourism or event industry and are interested in trips to the World Heritage Site for business purposes – here you will find the right contact person for your concerns!

Would you like to visit Zollverein privately?
Please contact us if you have any questions. We help you put together the right excursion package for your interests!

Visitor Service Zollverein
Phone +49 201 246810

Visitor Service Ruhr Museum
Phone +49 201 24681-444

BVV Zollverein
You can also contact the ‚Bürger- und Verkehrsverein im Stadtbezirk VI – Zollverein‘ (Citizens‘ and Tourist Office in District VI – Zollverein) if you would like to find out about accommodation, guided tours, packages and other tourist attractions in the districts located around the World Heritage Site and in the Ruhr Area.
Phone +49 201 86059-40
Fax +49 201 86059-44

Are you interested in business trips to Zollverein?
Whether it’s a short trip, a day trip, or a pre- and post-convention programme accompanying your conference – our B2B contact will be happy to advise you.
Phone +49 201 24681-230

We look forward to hearing from you!

Ein älteres Paar steht auf dem Gelände des UNESCO-Welterbes Zollverein und studiert aufmerksam eine Broschüre mit Informationen zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten. Der Mann trägt eine schwarze Jacke mit orangefarbenem Pullover, die Frau eine braune Jacke mit einem gelb-orange gemusterten Schal. Im Hintergrund sind eine rote Stahlkonstruktion einer ehemaligen Transportbrücke und grüne Bäume zu sehen. Das Bild zeigt Zollverein als ein beliebtes Ziel für Besucher, die das Industriekulturerbe erkunden möchten.

Barrier-free accessibility

More information

Experience Zollverein without restrictions

The core area of the 100-hectare outdoor grounds of the industrial monument is accessible for wheelchair users. The 3.5 km long Circular Walkway is paved and leads across the Zollverein Coal Mine and Coking Plant. Seating is available throughout the site. As there are sleepers, some of which are remains of old railway tracks, and gentle slopes in some areas of the site, we recommend that wheelchair users visit the site with an accompanying person.

Special guided tours for blind and visually impaired visitors as well as guided tours with hearing amplifiers and in sign language can be booked for the Zollverein Monument Path. The Ruhr.Visitorcenter Essen and the Ruhr Museum are also barrier-free.

If you have any questions or need advice, our team is happy to be at your disposal by telephone under 0201 246810 or by e-mail to

Nearest public transport stops:
Stop „Zollverein“ (tram line 107), approx. 500 metres from the Ruhr.Visitorcenter in the Coal Washery

Stop „Zollverein-Nord“ (suburban train line 2, bus lines 170 + 183, tram line 107) about 1,000 meters from the Ruhr.Visitorcenter in the Coal Washery

If you arrive by car, enter „Fritz-Schupp-Allee“ in your navigation device. Parking spaces for the disabled can be found in the car parks A1 and A2.

On Ehrenhof, at the Forum in front of the Coal Washery, and in front of the Mixing Plant at the Coking Plant, there are cast iron models of the World Heritage Site with Braille and touch symbols.

The free hiking map „Zollverein Tours“ (German only), which is available at the Ruhr.Visitorcenter Essen, provides information on gradients, kerbs, and barrier-free alternative routes on the World Heritage Site.

Disabled toilets are located on the 24-metre level of the Coal Washery, in the Casino Zollverein restaurant, and in the former Mixing Plant at the Coking Plant. Casino Zollverein is accessible at ground level. Due to several steps, the Mixing Plant is not accessible for wheelchair users without assistance.

Mobility offers
The e-busses of the UNESCO World Heritage Zollverein and Zollverein Round Trips lines have space for wheelchair users or prams.

Zollverein Foundation
Phone +49 201 246810

Rules of the premises

Dear visitors

Welcome to the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein! Our gatekeepers and the staff of the Ruhr.Visitorcenter at the Coal Washery and at the Info Points will be happy to answer any questions you may have. There you will also find information material and orientation aids.

Zollverein Foundation as the owner has the task of preserving the monument of the Zollverein World Heritage Site and making it accessible to visitors as a place of interest. Please note that the entire site is private property. In order to make your stay as pleasant as possible, we kindly ask you to observe the following information:

1. Your safety

The Zollverein World Heritage Site is a former industrial site with typical railway tracks, stairs, and piping. Despite safety precautions and regular checks, we are unable to achieve complete safety on the paths and squares, also due to the constant need for repair work and construction measures and the associated construction site traffic. Therefore, please pay attention to potholes, possible surface irregularities, and tripping hazards.

Against this background, we ask for your understanding that Zollverein Foundation accepts no liability for damage to property or personal injury caused by slight negligence. Entering and driving on the World Heritage Site is at your own risk. Especially when leaving paved paths, we ask for increased attention.

It is not permitted to enter fenced-in areas as there may be a danger to life. We must report any violations to the police. On some areas and paths there is no or only limited winter service.

2. Consideration

Every visitor has the right to a carefree stay. We ask all guests to be considerate and not to harass or endanger other people – we must report infringements as trespass.

3. Fire and Barbecues

The burning of open fires (including barbecue fires) is not permitted.

4. Dogs

Four-legged friends are welcome on the World Heritage Site and may accompany visitors in the open spaces. Please keep your dog on a short leash. Please help us to keep the World Heritage Site clean by picking up after your dog. Please note that animals are not allowed in any of the buildings, as some are museum and exhibition spaces. Guide dogs are of course exempt from this.

5. Roads and traffic regulations (StVO)

Driving on the site is only permitted on paved paths. The maximum speed on public roads (Fritz-Schupp-Allee, Martin-Kremmer-Straße, Bullmannaue, Im Welterbe, and Kokereiallee) is 30 km/h. On all other paths, speed is restricted to walking pace. Please anticipate pedestrians, cyclists, and children and drive carefully. The provisions of the German Road Traffic Regulation (StVO) apply.

6. Restrictions during events

For certain events, Zollverein Foundation reserves the right to restrict access to the premises in terms of space and time. We kindly ask you to pay attention to the daily updated information

7. Car parks

Please only use the designated car parks A1, A2, B, and C. We have to tow away cars that have been parked incorrectly at the owner’s expense in order to guarantee access for the fire brigade and rescue services at all times.

8. Camper vans, tents etc.

Camping and staying overnight in camper vans, motorhomes, tents and the like is not permitted on the entire site. Information on motorhome sites in the immediate vicinity can be found in the “Directions” section.

9. Guided tours

Guided tours of the site are organised and carried out exclusively by Zollverein Foundation. If you would like to take part in a guided tour, please contact the Zollverein Visitor Service or call +49 201 246810.

10. Photo, sound, and film recordings

Photographs, sound, and film recordings that are not used exclusively for private purposes require the written permission of Zollverein Foundation. Please direct inquiries to

Thank you!

We thank you for your understanding and wish all our guests a pleasant stay at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein.

Sincerely yours,
Zollverein Foundation

(as per: February 2017)