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Besuch planen
Gäste auf der freistehenden Rolltreppe sowie auf der normalen Treppe vor der Kohlenwäsche. Besuch planen
Gruppe mit Gästeführer auf dem Meistergang vor den Koksöfen. Erleben
Nächtliches Feuerwerk über dem beleuchteten Areal der Zeche Zollverein. Eventlocations
Über Zollverein
Über Zollverein


Our services for journalists, bloggers, and online propagators


Zollverein Foundation
Markus Pließnig
  • Phone +49 201 24681-120
  • Email
Head of Communications and Marketing
Doreen Scholz
  • Phone +49 201 24681-121
  • Email
Public Relations
Annika Engelhardt
  • Phone +49 201 24681-125
  • Email
Public Relations
Ruhr Museum
Philipp Bänfer
  • Phone +49 201 24681-433
  • Email
Public Relations


Basic information and current press releases

Here you can find some basic information about the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein and current press releaes.

Photos and films

More about photo and filming permissions

Whether you are an amateur of a professional: The Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage offers suitable subjects for any camera. We are pleased, when you take photos and films on the site.

Please address requests concerning cinema, film and serial productions directly to

Address any other requests to

Private recordings
Film and photo recordings for private purposes are possible without authorization and are free of charge on the whole site. Recordings with drones (see FAQs, question 11), wedding shootings (see question 8) as well as recordings and shootings, which require intensive technical and personnel support, are excluded from that.

Editorial recordings
Editorial photo and film recordings on the freely accessible exterior areas as well as in the RUHR.VISITORCENTER and in the Portal of Industrial Heritage within the coal washing plant are not subject to approval. We ask you however to declare them by e-mail. You can find further information on our fact sheet for editorial photo and filming permissions.

Commercial recordings
Photo shootings and film recordings, which are meant to be published for commercial purposes, are subject to approval. Whether the shooting or recording is chargeable or not, depends on the intended use. Please fill in our application form for a commercial photo and filming permission.

Zollverein image database

Free pictures for editors, publishers, organisers, and agencies

Our comprehensive service for editors, publishers, organisers, and agencies: The German-language Zollverein image database provides around 1,000 photos that you can download quickly and easily.
