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Über Zollverein
Über Zollverein

Red Dot Design Museum

2,000 design objects you can touch

Welcome to the world of design!

Modern product culture in the midst of historic industrial architecture: With more than 2,000 exhibits, the Red Dot Design Museum in the former Boiler House of the Zollverein Coal Mine presents the world's largest exhibition of contemporary design.

Innovative and well-designed objects from around 45 countries make it possible to experience the quality of good design up close, because many of the exhibits can be touched and tried out. From the particularly original USB memory stick to shapely furniture to the gyrocopter suspended from the ceiling: on five levels and an exhibition area of over 4,000 square metres, only products are presented that have been awarded a prize by an international jury of experts in one of the world’s largest design competitions – the Red Dot Design Award. Special exhibitions focusing on different topics complement the inspiring insight into the world of design.

In addition to a selection of design products, gifts, and lifestyle accessories, the museum shop also offers publications on design such as the Red Dot Award Yearbooks. At the reception counter, cold and warm drinks as well as ice cream and snacks invite visitors to linger.


Red Dot Designmuseum
  • Admission/ reduced 10 € / 5 €
  • children under 12 years free
  • Fridays pay what you want

Opening hours

Opening hours
  • Tue-Sun and holidays  11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    During school holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia  also on Mon 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Information and registration

Phone +49 201 301040