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Nächtliches Feuerwerk über dem beleuchteten Areal der Zeche Zollverein. Eventlocations
Über Zollverein
Über Zollverein

Shopping at Zollverein

Beautiful things in a fascinating ambience

Shopping with inspiration

Zollverein is not a shopping centre – but strolling through the well-limited selection of shops is an unusual pleasure. The combination of monumental industrial architecture and imaginatively arranged product ranges will make your visit a very unexpected experience and provide many interesting stimuli.

Beautiful books, exciting jewellery ideas, creative design objects and furniture, wonderfully fragrant soaps – here you can find what you are looking for, get inspired, gain many new ideas and insights. Shopping in a completely different way!


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T-shirts, hoodies, shirts and accessories

The young "Grubenhelden" fashion label produces T-shirts, hoodies, shirts, and accessories enriched with Ruhr Area history.

Part of an original miner’s shirt that was actually worn by a miner is incorporated in each piece of clothing. So, each piece of the collection is unique – designed in the coal district and manufactured in Europe. Following the opening of an online shop in March 2016 and a first store in Gladbeck a few months later, the „Grubenhelden“ are now also represented at Zollverein with their second store in Hall 12 since September 2018.

Opening hours
Thu–Fri, 1 p.m.–6 p.m.
Sat, 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Sun, 12 a.m.–6 p.m.

Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
Area A [Shaft XII], Hall 12 [A12]
Gelsenkirchener Straße 181
45309 Essen

Phone +49 2043 4021758

More information is available at


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Workshop and Gallery

For 15 years now, "SchmuckProdukt" has been manufacturing its own jewellery as unique pieces and in small series.

The gallery, which also serves as a workshop for the designers Julia Stotz and Annette Wackermann, is located in the former Picking Belt Hall at Shaft XII. In addition to their own creations, they also realise jewellery ideas according to individual requests and models. Jewellery and home accessories from other artists are regularly added to the range.

Opening hours
Wed–Sat noon–6 p.m.
Closed on holidays and from 27.–30.12.

Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
Area A [Shaft XII], Hall 12 [A12]
Gelsenkirchener Straße 181
45309 Essen

Phone +49 201 8305244

More information is available at
Im Kammgebäude auf der Kokerei finden sich Schauräume von exklusiven Geschäften wie zum Beispiel der Firma Möbelloft, die außergewöhnliche Möbel und Dekorationen anbietet.


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Showroom with extravagant home interiors

New and fresh interpretation of the old and the bygone: The showroom of the MÖBELLOFT design team is located in the historic Comb Building at the coking plant.

Here, young, modern design meets industrial history and award-winning architecture. Quality, sustainability, and attention to detail are characteristic of the handcrafted furniture made of steel and wood from the MÖBELLOFT. In the contrasting ambience of the Comb Building, they are presented together with extravagant home interiors by young designers from all over Europe.

Opening hours
Mon–Fri 11 a.m.–7 p.m.
Sat 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sun [only show day, no sales] noon–5 p.m.
Closed on bank holidays

Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
Area C [Coking Plant], Comb Building [C90]
Heinrich-Imig-Straße 10b
45141 Essen

Phone +49 201 54546980

More information is available at www.mö

Margaretenhöhe Ceramic Workshop

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Young-Jae Lee

Shortly after the decommissioning of the Zollverein Coal Mine, ceramist Young-Jae Lee and her team were the first artists to establish a studio at the Zollverein World Heritage Site in 1987.

Back in 1933, the “Keramische Werkstatt Margaretenhöhe” (Margaretenhöhe Ceramic Workshop) already moved from the Margarethenhöhe Estate to the Zollverein Shaft Facilities 6/9. About 50 years later, this was followed by the move to the former Building Materials Stores at Shaft 1/2/8. Lee, who was born in Korea, has directed the workshop since.

The delicate jugs, bowls, or pots, which are created by hand at Zollverein, follow a clear, timeless, and unmistakable design vocabulary. Individual items by the internationally acknowledged and repeatedly awarded master ceramist are coveted among collectors from all over the world.

Opening hours
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sat, 11 a.m.– 3 p.m., and by appointment


Keramische Werkstatt Margaretenhöhe GmbH
Bullmannaue 19
45327 Essen

Phone +49 201 305080
Fax +49 201 303031
Email kontakt@kwm192

More information is available at

Walther König Bookshop

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Book, postcards, souvenirs, and gifts

The Cologne-based Walther König Bookshop is known for its extensive assortment in the fields of art, design, fashion, film, and photography.

The branch at the Ruhr.Visitorcenter Essen in the former Coal Washery stocks high-quality illustrated books and selected publications on the subjects of art, photography, design, and history. Current exhibition catalogues of the Ruhr Museum as well as a selection of souvenirs round off the available range.

Opening hours
Daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Closed on 24., 25., and 31.12.

Walther König Bookshop
Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
Area A [Shaft XII], Coal Washery [A14]
Gelsenkirchener Straße 181
45309 Essen

Phone +49 201 36599469
Fax +49 201 36599922

Thomas Mack in seinem Atelier auf der Schachtanlage 12.

Workshop Atelier Thomas Mack

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Atelier, workshop and showroom

Thomas Mack’s Atelier in the former Picking Belt Hall is both a workshop and a showroom. Since 2001, the freelance artist has been creating etchings, drawings, and prints there. He also exhibits paintings in his atelier.

Mack preferably works with heavy handmade paper and vibrant colours. The architecture of Zollverein with its symmetric shapes has again and again served as his source of inspiration.

Opening hours
Sat and Sun 1 p.m.–6 p.m.
and by appointment


Atelier Thomas Mack
Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
Area A [Shaft XII], Hall 12 [A12]
Gelsenkirchener Straße 181
45309 Essen

Phone +49 162 43956

More information is available at