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Besuch planen
Eine futuristisch gestaltete Rolltreppe mit leuchtend orangefarbenen Seitenwänden führt durch einen langen, überdachten Gang mit schwarzen Metallstreben und Glasfenstern. Die Seitenwände sind von einem gezackten Lichtmuster durchzogen, das der Szene eine dynamische Wirkung verleiht. Die Glasflächen reflektieren die Struktur und das Licht, was den Raum noch größer wirken lässt. Mehrere Personen nutzen die Treppe, einige steigen herab, während andere langsam hinaufgehen oder sich an den Handläufen festhalten. Die Atmosphäre wirkt modern und leicht surreal, mit einem starken Kontrast zwischen dem dunklen Gerüst und der intensiven Beleuchtung. Besuch planen
Eine Gruppe von Besuchern steht auf einem schmalen, erhöhten Metallsteg mit Geländer vor einer beeindruckenden, rostigen Industrieanlage. Die massive Wandstruktur besteht aus zahlreichen hohen, dunklen Kammern mit schweren Metalltüren und dicken, vertikalen Verstrebungen. Oberhalb der Anlage verlaufen metallene Rohrleitungen mit sichtbaren Rostspuren, von denen ein großes, rostfarbenes Rohr schräg in die Mitte des Bildes ragt. Darüber befindet sich ein Geländer mit Laufwegen und Plattformen. Die Anlage ist die stillgelegte Kokerei Zollverein, die nun als Industriedenkmal besichtigt werden kann. Die rostige, metallische Oberfläche der Konstruktion kontrastiert mit dem strahlend blauen Himmel mit weißen Wolken im Hintergrund. Die Besucher, einige in farbenfroher Kleidung, betrachten interessiert die monumentale Anlage. Erleben
Ein beeindruckendes Feuerwerk erleuchtet den Nachthimmel über der Zeche Zollverein. Mehrere große, bunte Feuerwerkskörper explodieren in leuchtenden Farben. Im Vordergrund ist das ikonische Fördergerüst der Zeche Zollverein zu sehen, das von warmem Licht angestrahlt wird. Die umliegenden Backsteingebäude mit ihren großen Fenstern unterstützen das farbenfrohe Lichtspektakel. Unten rechts sind viele Menschen auf dem Veranstaltungsgelände zu erkennen, die das Feuerwerk genießen. Die Szene verbindet Industriekultur mit festlicher Stimmung. Eventlocations
Über Zollverein
Zollverein bietet, durch seine besondere Architektur, viele reizvolle Ansichten. So bietet auch das zentrale Doppelbock-Fördergerüst zahlreiche Perspektiven wie zum Beispiel von schräg unten. Über Zollverein

Zollverein Ice Rink

The most beautiful ice rink of Germany

Unique ice rink in the midst of spectacular industrial architecture

Ice skating fans can once again look forward to the wonderful Zollverein ice rink against the impressive industrial backdrop of the Zollverein coking plant in winter 2024/2025.

From 4 December 2024 to 5 January 2025, the Zollverein Foundation will once again be offering ice skating fun for the whole family. The ice rink stretches 150 metres along the imposing coke ovens and chimneys of the Zollverein coking plant. In the evening, an installation bathes it in atmospheric light and cosy stands offer refreshments with hot drinks and snacks. And as a special gimmick for all baking and cookie fans, the Zollverein Foundation will be handing out cookie cutters in the shape of a snowflake during the week until the start of the NRW winter vacations, but only while stocks last!

The Zollverein Foundation has also come up with something very special for the Grand Opening on 7 December: From 10 a.m. to 12 noon, there will be half-price tickets, a photo campaign and a performance by the Essener Jugend-Eiskunstlauf Verein e.V.. Further information can be found here (German only): Zollverein Ice Rink – Grand Opening.

Curling as a group event
As a company event and sporting competition with friends, curling at Zollverein is a firm fixture in the annual calendar. Players should wear sturdy shoes. Access is via a separate staircase. A drinks stand is provided outside the curling area for the groups of players. Early registration is strongly recommended. Duration: 90 minutes

Ice time for everyone
Whether professional, advanced, novice or in a wheelchair: along the imposing coke ovens and chimneys of the Zollverein coking plant, all skating fans will get their money’s worth. The ice surface can be used with wheelchairs, rehab buggies and gliding aids. Auxiliary penguins are available to help children take their first steps on the slippery surface. During regular skating times, the coolest ice rink in the world is open to everyone – so people with disabilities, their families and friends can glide across the ice together with other skaters. During the first hour of each session, special consideration is given to each other on the ice surface.


Tickets 2024/2025

Season 2024/2025

Day tickets
Single ticket full price 10 €
Children (up to the age of 14), pupils, students, apprentices 8 €
Family ticket (2 adults and up to 3 children) 23 €
Inclusion ticket (people with disabilities with a degree of disability of 50 or more, proof with photo required on site)

Ticket of 10
Adults 75 €
Children (up to the age of 14), pupils, students, apprentices 50 €

Evening ticket
(from two hours before closing time)
Adults 6 €
Children (up to the age of 14), pupils, students, apprentices 4 €
Family ticket (2 adults and up to 3 children) 15 €

Ice Disco
Adults 8 €
Children (up to the age of 14), pupils, students, apprentices 5 €

Ice skates
rental fee per pair 5 €

Opening Hours 04.12.2024 to 05.01.2025

Monday to Friday
04.–20.12.2024: 15:00–20:00
23.12.2024–03.01.202%: 10:00–20:00



24., 25. und 31. December 2024

26. December 2024 & 1. January 2025

FAQs about the Zollverein ice rink

Car parks
Is it possible to park near the ice rink?
  • Car park C is available free of charge within walking distance of the ice rink.
Are the car parks guarded?
  • On the weekends before the holidays there are security personnel/guides in the car parks. From the start of the holidays, the car parks are supervised by staff on opening days.
How can I take part?
  • For sociable competitions between families, private groups and colleagues, a separate curling area is available next to the Zollverein ice rink. A maximum of 12 people per lane can put their skills to the test on a total of eight lanes. We recommend that children should be at least six years old to take part. Curling takes place in all weathers. Players should wear sturdy shoes. Spikes, curling sticks and staves are available on site. A drinks stand is provided for groups outside the curling area. We recommend booking the desired timeslots early. Bookings are now possible in the ticket shop.
Are there any aids for skating? Can children go on the ice rink?
  • Children of all ages can dash across the ice. If they want to practise their first steps on the ice, little helper penguins are available for children to stabilise themselves.
  • Discounts apply for - Children up to 14 years, pupils - Students and trainees - Recipients of ALG I & II, social welfare and benefits under the USG - Participants in the FSJ, FÖJ and BFD - People with disabilities with a degree of disability of 50 or more (an accompanying person with the ‘B’ mark on their official ID card receives free admission) - Members of the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Stiftung Zollverein e.V. and the Essener Theaterring. Proof by photo is required on site.
Food and drinks
Is it allowed to eat on the ice rink?
  • The consumption of food and drink is prohibited on the ice rink. Hot drinks and snacks are available in a Christmassy atmosphere around the ice rink at the stalls in the winter village.
Ice skates
What shoe sizes are available?
  • Skates are available from size 25 to 50. We recommend that you bring your own skates. We cannot guarantee that all sizes will always be available in sufficient numbers for your desired ice time.
What does skate hire cost?
  • Hire costs €5 per pair [deposit required].
Can I bring my own skates?
  • You can also use the ice rink with your own skates.
Can I have my skates sharpened?
  • Skates can be sharpened for €6 per pair at a stand in the winter village by the ice rink.
Who is the contact person for the press?
  • Press contact for daily media enquiries is the Zollverein Foundation at or tel 0201 24681-120 and 24681-121. At weekends and during holidays, please contact 0201-24681-777. Image motifs can be requested at and
Are there lockers?
  • There are lockers for shoes and bags, but they are not lockable.
Are there toilets nearby?
  • The public toilets in the mixing plant can be used free of charge.
Weather conditions
Is the ice rink open in all weathers?
  • Opening hours may change in extreme weather conditions. A notice will then be placed on this page and on Facebook (‘Zeche Zollverein’) on the start page. Curling takes place in all weather conditions.